Tecnasa and WIMPAIB preclinical workshop
From June 1 to 3, the IV edition of WIMPAIB, the Workshop on Introduction to Preclinical Molecular Imaging and its Applications in Biomedical Research, will take place. This time it will take place at the Madrid College of Physicians. You can find program and more detailed information in the following link: https://sites.google.com/hggm.es/wimpaib-2022/inicio.
Tecnasa will collaborate in the event in which we will be present with detailed information on some of our most advanced preclinical lines:
- Preclinical Imaging Equipment: PET, SPECT and CT of our represented Molecubes.
( Exhibit 1_Molecubes_Brochure 2020.pdf)
- Optical Imaging Equipment (Fluorescence and Bioluminescence) of our represented Spectral Instruments Imaging.
( sii_flyer_one_page_wimpaib.pdf) ( 7-reasons-to-choose-Sii.pdf)
- Irradiation systems and preclinical LINAC of our represented Precision X-Ray.
( PX-DS-CellRad-Plus-Rev01-24Sep2021.pdf)
Additionally, during the second day of the event, on June 2, the product specialist Katarzyna Desrocques, from Molecubes, will give a conference with the following title: ‘The value of PET, SPECT and CT imaging in preclinical research’.
It can be a good meeting point to learn more about the product/s offered and our specialists: Katarzyna Desrocques from Molecubes and Melanie Pietras from SII (Spectral Instruments Imaging).
Alternatively, we remain at your disposal to be able to expand the information either in person, or by organizing a TEAMS-type conference.